Save Arizona Farmland
Did you know that in the United States we lose nearly 2,000 acres of agricultural land every day?
That’s roughly 80 acres per hour.
This trend is not slowing down.
Our Story
Blue Sky Organic Farms will lose around 70% of our farmland by July 2021. We are not alone. We are 1 of 4 small-scale growers in Maricopa county facing similar circumstances. Leased farmland is being sold for housing and retail development at an alarming rate. Without invested landowners, the future of agriculture in this county will drastically change in the next 2-5 years.
We need to take action to secure land for the future of agriculture now.
David and Sara have been searching for viable land for years. Viable farmland requires 2 essential aspects: proper soil quality to support vegetable farming and water rights. When searching for the ideal plot of land to set down roots, farmers rely on USDA soil samples. The West Valley is home to many acres of prime farmland- but finding prime farmland with water rights that is not already zoned for development is next to impossible. If you happen to find the perfect plot, the price tag is another insurmountable hurdle for farmers. We need your help to change this narrative.
How Can You Help?
Know of Land?
Do you know of land that is available for purchase or lease in the metro Phoenix area? Ideally 20 – 50 acres, with some specific soil and water requirements that need to be met. We are interested in all leads or creative ideas. Email
Support Blue Sky
Support Blue Sky with your dollars if you can. Visit our farm store, join our CSA, or look for us at your local farmer’s market!
Write Letters
Write a letter of support for Blue Sky sharing how much our farm means to you, your family and your community. These will be shared with local officials and decision makers. Email letters to
Join the Cause
The Coalition for Farmland Preservation is working on solutions to preserve farmland. Sign up to stay in contact with the Coalition and to ensure you receive action alerts when we need your support. Visit
Together, we can ensure that future generations know what a local farm looks like.